Friday, 5 September 2014

Success Story Supriya Mohite ADCET 2014

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers,

Here is the success story for you. All were eagerly waiting for this one. Yes, this is from a TCS Placed Candidate Supriya Mohite from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ADCET Ashta. So you would be eagerly waiting to listen to this Success Story. Below is success story in her own words.


Success Story Supriya Mohite ADCET 2014

Career building is a tough procedure. It takes patients & hard work to be own self as a successful professional.First interview is always a special experience in anyone's life & surely the TCSer makes it more special. It was a big dream for me work in TCS and ofcourse I cant express my feelings when I got to know that I was selected for the best company in the world. I can't forget the day I got the offer letter.

At very first  our college announced name of five students of CSE dept that are eligible for TCS. I was shoked that I was eligible for TCS.Then I would come to know that TCS has first round on 20th September 2013 at RIT college Islampur. Our TPO “Prof Sayyad Sir” told us first round was “Email Writing” for that you have time of ten minutes  and if you want to crack that round you have to practice for email on MS word or any other tool that will help you for writing email , because of that you would get good writing speed as well as less spelling mistake. I follow the instruction given by Sayyad sir and practic for email using MS Word. 

Finally that day came i.e  20th September  and we went to RIT Islampur, there were so many students for first round . By seeing all students I was little bit  nervous. But  I motivated myself and I boost up for first round. I went to exam hall and started with email writing. There were 10-12 words given for writing email and only 10 minutes, by arranging all words in sequential manner and given time I wrote a mail. For writing mail the time is very important factor. Next day there was result of that round and Sayyad sir told the result to me and I was surprised that I was shortlisted for next round, I was very happy that time.

Next round was on 30th September 2013 at TCS branch Pune.  I reach to TCS branch Hinjewadi on 30th September at 8 AM. There were total 3 rounds. 1. Technical Round, 2. Management Round, 3. HR Round

In Technical round they ask me questions related to Operating system, Software Engineering, Computer Network, Database, C, and ask me to explain TE project. Some questions are what is OS? , What are types of OS? , What is deadlock?, Difference between real time and multiprocessor system?,What is multiprocessor system?    What is Software Engineering? , What is SDLC? , What are models in Software Engeering?, Draw Waterfall model and Spiral model and explain difference between them? What is OSI Model draw and explain? Explain Join. Why it is used? Write a query to retrieve first 1000 rows from table? Write a program to reverse a string. This is all about technical round,  after  half an hour I got my result and I was shortlisted for MR.  

Management Round was totally depends on my final year project. After cracking the MR, final round was HR round. In HR Round first question for me was to introduce yourself?  The next question was Tell me your strengths? What you know about TCS?  Why should I hire you? Next question was What are other skills you have? Final question for me was Do you have any question for me? This is all about my 3 rounds. 

For HR round I would like to say some important points that you should know 2 or 3 strength and weaknesses  about yourself with explanations. You must know about company profile  in detail and you should able to explain yourself in very well manner and so on.

After completing all rounds next day i.e 1st October 2013 there was result and  I was very afraid about result which was given to our TPO  Arif sir. At time passes my heart beats were increasing for getting result. At 11 am on 1st October I made call to Arif sir and asked about result, sir told me that you are got placed in TCS, now you are a part of TCS family. Really I was very excited when I heard that, I was part of TCS family. I feel it's my honor to be get placed in it. I was really very happy because I can see a huge blow of happiness on my parents face. My family was happy and it was something good to share with my wellwishers. I am feeling pride to be a part of TATA group. I am really thankful to GOD, Parents, Teachers, Friends and TCS for giving this opportunity. The first interview faced and cracked at the end gave immense joy and happiness. The assurance of my secured future among expertise gave the delight worth remembering.

1 comment :

  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Impressive!! getting some more tips for preparation. Thanks Supriya and Sayyad sir to share this experience.
