Saturday, 13 September 2014

Success Story Ajit Kuchekar ADCET 2014

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers,

Here we present you another success story from one of alumni of Department of Information Technology, ADCET Ashta. Mr Ajit Kuchekar he got placed in Persistent Systems Pune. Do read his success story to find proper do's and dont's for your preparation for Persistent Systems Pune.


Success Story Ajit Kuchekar ADCET 2014

When we enter into a final year of graduation our aim is to get placed into a good company. When my final year was started I also think about that, and I started preparation about the same. But question is that, what to prepare? Because each company looking for different personality (kind of knowledge/character). So, how single person to be a having different personality ? For that reason we must having a dynamic personality (change our self as per the situation/world/demand).(for e.g. TCS looking for good communication whereas Persistent looking for good technical).

When I got information that TCS is going to come for campus in our college, and I was sure about getting selected, because I was in a topper  list, there is no aptitude for me ,only GD, technical & HR interviews. I regularly studied the all subjects from 2nd year (IIIrd sem) seriously, so technical round was not big issue for me. And also, if you are having good character and communication, then clear HR round is not big task for you. And for GD you must have overall world knowledge with good communication. But unfortunately due to my gap in education they were not allowed me to attend the TCS campus. But there is lots of companies, so you have to continue the preparation. And before 20-25 days, I got information that Persistent is going to come for campus. So, you have to always ready for campus because we don’t no when and which company will come for campus.

Persistent having aptitude and technical round (1 or 2), HR is only for formality. Persistent having technical aptitude (10% general+90%technical) so, I prepared technically well. I have solved objective Q from net ( and also other pdf papers and also our regular subjects because no Q will come other than  our syllabus(for technical only). For technical following subjects included: OS, DS, TCS, C/C++, Networking, DB, SE, Java, etc. Also have 1 program to implement and paragraph writing. So, I practiced c/c++ programs specially file handling and looping statements. 

For general aptitude, I had material given by  the Sanir Kittur sir, which help a lot to clear quantitative aptitude. At that time I have cleared the aptitude, now next was technical round. Technical is always tough round in Persistent. But I have studied all subjects very well so at that time I have not done any other special things for technical. If you study your regular subjects seriously then no need to give extra time for technical preparation. One  book I have referred that was Technical Interview Q (by Koirala <available in ADCET library>). My technical was taken by the senior panel ,so I was having only one chance (if junior panel then 2 rounds). My technical was good and I answered almost all Q. Following Q were asked to me:

1.    Describe yourself(Ans: my personal information, education details, about myself, favorite subject, interest)....So according to my favorite subject they divert towards them(OS ,Networking)
2.    What is scheduler?
3.    What are the scheduling algorithms?
4.    Working of each algorithm.
5.    They given a problem based on scheduling algorithm.
6.    What is complexity?
7.    Types of complexity?
8.    Why and how to measure complexity?
9.    Other Q based on that.
10.    Searching and sorting techniques.
11.    Which one is better and why?
12.    Problem is given on search in and find out the iterations needed to complete? Is there any formula to calculate the iterations?
13.    About project.
14.    About program which was asked for aptitude.
15.    What is your strength?
16.    Do you have any Q for me?
17.    And other.....................

I clear the technical round and nominated for HR. HR was only for formality and documentation.
So, my suggestion is that before going for campus first of all gathers information regarding the campus requirement process of that company. Because based  on that we can make a conclusion that what kind of specialty into an individual company looking for and according that we can prepare for the same. Because different companies looking for different specialties within a candidates.

Basically all companies having following rounds:
1.    Aptitude
2.    GD
3.    Technical
4.    HR
If candidate is technically strong having good communication skills and personality with overall worlds activities knowledge (current/past) , no company will reject the candidate.
Finally all credit of my campus selection goes to staff of our department (teaching/non-teaching). Due to their regular support and motivation it’s became possible me to do hard work and achieve success.


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