Monday, 1 September 2014

Success Story Shweta Pote ADCET Ashta 2014

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers,

Here we bring to our readers second success story. This is from Shweta Pote, Student of Computer Science and Engineering Department, ADCET Ashta. She got placed through campus interviews in L n T Infotech. Below is success story in his own words.


Success Story Shweta Pote ADCET 2014

The preparation for getting placed in a company starts on the very first day of your college I would say. Whatever you learn each day is going to help you somewhere. Things those helped me to get placed in L & T infotech are Practice of aptitude test questions and good English communication skill.

Our college arranged several aptitude classes and many personality development sessions and I took full benefits of such sessions. Reading English novels and story books helped me to improve my vocabulary. Participating and working in various events built my confidence.

We attended L & T infotech campus pool on 5th of February 2014 at JJMCOE, Jaysingpur. There were total five rounds. First round was aptitude test which had three sections: Quantitative, Logical reasoning and Verbal. There were total 60 questions and we were expected to solve them in 60 minutes. There was sectional cut-off. In such a case time management is the factor that we need to take care of. 

Next round was Group discussion and topic was “Can India progress ahead with dictatorship?” What and how you talk matters in GD. 

Next round was paragraph writing and topic for that was “Kids today more techno savvy.” In this round they just checked our written communication skill. 

Fourth round was technical interview. We were expected to be clear with our basics. HR asked me questions like: Introduce yourself, what you did in projects?, What are pointers and how they work?, Role of firewall, What  is tristate logic?, Explain microprocessor 8085 in detail, which companies manufactures microprocessors?, What are interrupts?, List names of flags in 8085 flag register, Why should we hire you? And any questions for me?

Last round was HR round and it was just for the sake of formality.  One more thing I must mention is, one should be prepared with all his documents, Xerox copies of those and photographs.

I would suggest all juniors to take benefits of placement related activities in your college, sharp your basics and grab opportunities.


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