Thursday, 12 September 2013

TCS Touchstone Test Pattern

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
The TouchStone Test will test your ability to demonstrate

•English Writing Skills

•Understanding of basic Mathematics concepts

•Logical reasoning

2 sections in the test:

Section 1: English writing skills

Section 2: Mathematics and Logical reasoning

Section 1

This section will consist of a task of writing a note / letter / email / paragraph.

What is given


–Key Phrases that need to be used

–Minimum word-limit

–10min (countdown timer)


–Using the key phrases the required write-up needs to be created for the given situation


–Write-up to be grammatically correct

–Write-up should adhere to minimum word-limit mentioned

–Write-up to be such that intended message reaches the intended recipient

–Emphasis to be given on correct sentence construction

Section 2

•This section majorly consists of Multiple Choice Questions based on mathematics (class 1 to class 10 concepts) and logical reasoning

•You may expect Puzzles, SUDOKU, Crossword, diagram based questions, etcas well

•Allotted time: Around 80mins

•Countdown-timer will be present on the test screen, the timer starts once you see the 1stquestion

•Negative marking: One-third / 33%

•Questions-navigator will be present on the test screen, you may click on a question number and go to a particular question

Section 2

•Questions carrying higher weightage will be marked with a Blue Star. All Blue Starred questions carry equal weightage.

•Some questions may be long and descriptive

•Some questions may seem repeated, read through them very carefully, they might be similar, but they are not same

•Please keep on saving your answers in this section, you may come back to a question and change answers as well

•The test has in-built calculator on the test-screen, no physical calculators allowed inside the test room

•No mobile-phones allowed in the test room

Sample Topics / Concepts

TouchStone will test your understanding of Application of basic concepts like

•Ratios and Averages

•Basic Logic –AND, OR, NOT, etc

•Simultaneous linear equations

•Permutations and combinations



•Compound Interest , Simple Interest

•Arithmetic and Geometric Progression




•Quadratic Equations

•Number system


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