Sunday, 31 August 2014

Success Story: Jyothi Sargar ADCET Ashta 2014.

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers,

We have decided to bring to our readers series of Success Stories from our alumni in their on campus and off campus drives. The intention behind writing these series is to make the current students aware of different opportunities and a guidance in order to prepare for upcoming campus interviews.

In this Series, we will bring to you success story of First Candidate. Let me introduce her to our readers. She is Jyothi Sargar, Student of Computer Science and Engineering Department, ADCET Ashta from 2014 pass out batch. Below is her success story written by her.


Success Story: Jyothi Sargar ADCET Ashta 2014.

Jyothi Sargar ( in her own words)

Elitmus helped me a lot in finding a job without any trouble. I performed well in Elitmus and got the job opportunity from CGI IT Industry and grabbed it.

Firstly after giving PH test I was called for interview on 2nd August. I had attended an off campus in Hyderabad.

There were rounds first round written test i.e. aptitude test consists of quantitative, passages, analogies, sentence correction, series and logical reasoning. Second round was group discussion there was talk on the simple topics, they selected who spoke meaningful and confidently. Then technical round as I was hiring for dot net developer the most questions was on dot net, database, SQL queries and simple programs. This round was quite easy as we are familiar to those subjects. Next was management round that was all about final year project. Last HR round it was a casual chat to introduce ourselves and what we know about the Company and simple questions like our hobbies, strength etc. In all rounds the candidates were shortlisted. I got selected.

I recommend job seekers to take Elitmus PH test because most of the MNCs are now hiring through PH score.

Now for our readers if you are interested to know more about ELitmus test read this article on Elitmus process.

Hope you like this initiative. Please comment below to share your thoughts on this series.


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