Thursday, 11 September 2014

Success Story Diana D'Souza ADCET 2014

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers,

Here we bring to our readers another success story from Diana D'Souza Student of Computer Science and Engineering, ADCET Ashta. She got placed at Persistent Systems Pune. Below is her success story in her own words.


Success Story Diana D'Souza ADCET 2014

First of all I’ll start from my campus preparation which I started from my second semester of  third year of engineering. This preparation was for the first company which always comes first for the campus drive that was tcs.But company criteria was to take only first five topers for the selection process and I was not eligible for that company . It was very guilty and angry feeling that I could not face the first company. I continued my preparation for  the next company.
Second company came which was Persistent Systems Ltd. When Sayyad sir told that it was eligible for all students with specific criteria. And I was very happy that I was eligible for that company, so I continued my preparation accordingly and specially for technical subjects that was C,C++.

Finally the company arrived on 17th October 2014 at my college. There were actually four rounds for the selection process.
1. Technical  aptitude.
2. Technical interview first.
3. Technical interview second.
4. HR interview.

First round was technical aptitude which was held on my college. This round was 60% depend on pure technical knowledge of C and C++ and another 40% for general aptitude and English section.
I cleared that round and got selected for the next round which was at KIT college Kolhapur on 18th October  9:00 AM onwards. When I reached I was still remembering which points ,subjects I forgot to prepare and feeling depressed. Just I was hoping for the best and trying to get all that I read. Suddenly my name was announced for the interview and got scared a lot. I went with confidence and little bit fear in my mind.

Interviewer directly told me “Come Diana, sit and write the algo on bubble sort”. I was speechless  that time and did not expected that situation. Without asking me anything or any intro he just told me to write algo. I hold myself for a while and took god’s name. And then  got ready for the algo. I wrote algo and next question came to add elements for that array. I took time to write but I gave my all efforts and solve that problem. Now next question was for to delete that elements. I wrote correctly as much possible but not in proper way. Then he asked me a lot of questions on basics of C and algorithms which I answered maximum write. This process was continued for the long time till 1:50 hour.  

Then he leave me with a message “ Go, and sit. HR will come to u.”. I could not understood for a minute what he said ,then I got that I was selected for the next HR round. But formally still result  was pending. And after long time of waiting that coordinator  came to me and told “You are going for the HR round.”.That was magical moment for me and I was sure that I was selected because HR round was just for nominal. I was lucky that interviewer did not send me to next technical round.

Finally the third round which was HR round took place. I was waiting for my interview outside.I was with Mr. Arif sir and Sayyad sir discussing on interview process. And I was very happy and exiting and told to sir that “ I will select for sure”.
 When I gave interview of HR he just asked me about myself ,my hobbies, my favorite actor, favorite sportsman etc. and interview got finished.

After an hour the results got announced and finally I got placed in Persistent Systems Ltd and my dream comes true.
This success I dedicated to my lovely parents, my teachers and my best buddies in my life ever.


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