Sunday, 28 December 2014

Success Story Shradha Sargar ADCET 2014

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers, We bring to our readers one more success story. Shradha Sargar students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology. She got selected in the recuritment drive conducted of EINFOCHIPS at ADCET Campus on 18-19 December 2014.

Success Story Shradha Sargar ADCET 2014

Hello, I am Shradha Sargar from ADCET, Ashta. I got placed in eInfochips, and I am sharing my experience of an interview. Firstly, I would like to say thanks to all Teachers and my friends who always support me. I started my preparation on September 2014. In October the TCS and Persistent were come. I was going up to interview, but unfortunately I was not selected. At that time I was very nervous. Our exam was nearly come and I concentrate on regular study. Our exam was finished on 15th December 2014 and the eInfochips was coming on 18th December 2014. I had only two days. So, Shailja and I started the preparation and we more focus on Technical subjects, Operating System and quantitative questions.


The company came on 18th December 2014 at our college. There are three rounds, at first day the Aptitude test and on the second day there were two technical interviews.
On 18th December 2014 the Aptitude test was held at our college. The Aptitude test contains the questions related to quantitative, Operating System, Microprocessor and Data Structure. After giving the test we wait for the result. At 5:30 PM the result was announced and I was selected for next round, i.e. for an interview which was held on the second day.
On 19th December 2014 there were two technical interviews. At 2.30 PM my Technical Interview-I was starting. They ask me questions like:-
  • Tell me about yourself?
  • About my Mini Project.
  • Storage classes and each one with explanation.
  • Difference between malloc and calloc.
  • Difference between structure and union.
  • Circular linked list and its operations.
  • Stack.
It was nearly 40 minute interview.  After that I waited for the result. After 30 minutes my result was announced that I am appearing for next Technical Interview-II.
In Technical Interview-II they first read my resume in few minutes and ask me questions like:-
  • BE project in deep.
  • Static variable and static function.
  • Program for String Reverse.
  • Context Switch.
  • Process Preemption.When CALL instruction comes how control is transferred from the main program and return to the main program.
This was nearly 1 hour interview and they ask me every concept in deep and I was waiting for the result. After completing my interview I was very nervous about the result. After 30 minutes my result was declared that I was hired. I was speechless and very happy when I got to know that I was selected for eInfochips Company.
This is overall about my interview. I think some basic things which are always important and remember in the campus interview that are Self Confidence, Communication skill and clear the basic concepts.

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