Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Success Story Saddam Raut ADCET Ashta 2014

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Here we bring to our readers yet another success story from Saddam Raut, student of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ADCET Ashta. He got placed in EInfochips.

Success Story Saddam Raut ADCET Ashta 2014

I remember, Chetan Bhagat, one of my favorite writers, said in The NDTV dialogues:
Destiny is always there. You have to follow your path. Work to the best of your ability.

I disappointed in previous interviews not because I don’t have the ability, but because of improper way of expressing the thoughts. If I can improve my skill, then you can also. It is just sake of your dedication to your goal.
After getting failure in Persistent interview, I came to know where I am lagging. What are the areas of improvements. And then began preparing with my colleagues and my teachers. Because they know you better than you. Before going to eInfochips India Pvt Lt., I didn’t know aptitude containment; rather I would say prepare for worst. I got only two days after my university exams; these two days were ‘war days’ for me.
In eInfochips campus drive there are three rounds of selection
  • Aptitude test
  • Technical Interview -1
  • Technical Interview -2 + HR interview
Aptitude test covers major subjects like general quantitative, technical aptitude, logical reasoning and so forth. And the TR1 and TR2 on the next day. I cracked the aptitude round and eligible for the next rounds.
Finally the judgment day arrived. It is around 10:30; one of the volunteer announced my name and took me to interview room. After looking at my resume, Interviewer asked me questions from basic subject C, C++, Java, operating system, data structure, project, puzzles. It was very basic to me. Some of the questions listed below. The most challenging part of the interview was, when technical interviewer started questioning. It was a little bit surprising to me in the technical interview, the interviewer bombarded HR questions. It was almost one hour to complete my interview.  
  • Question’s on C - double pointer, Storage classes, data types and so on
  • A C program to calculate factorial numbers with recursion and without recursion.
  • Questions on OS -Scheduling, Paging, basics of Linux OS.
  • Questions on Java –Threading, Why Java? Etc.
  • Questions from Microprocessor- why to use microprocessor? What is a registrar? Basic unit of Microprocessor?
  • HR questions like to introduce yourself in brief? Why EInfochips? Goals? And so on.
  • Puzzles, You may find such puzzles on the Internet.
  • And finally in depth, questioning on the project.
Finally, I got selected in eInfochips India Pvt Lt. And Final words for any interview –prepare for the worst, be confident and don’t give up in case of failure. Remember destiny is always there if you have the ability.

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