Sunday, 12 October 2014

Success Story Priyanka Khot ADCET 2015

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers,

Here we bring to you one more success story. This time it is from Miss. Priyanka Khot, Student of Final Year Computer Science and Engineering Department, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology Ashta. Below is her success story written in her own words. Please take this as an inspiration and prepare for your upcoming career interviews ( Campus and OffCampus)


Success Story Priyanka Khot ADCET 2015

Hello friends….
I am Priyanka Khot studying in ADCET, Ashta and I am going to share my TCS Interview experience with you all. First of all I would like to thank my friends and my teachers for their guidance and support. The interview was on 6th and 7th October 2014 at RIT, Islampur. Friends, my journey started one month before of the interview, me and my friends started doing the group study for 2 hours after our college time (4:15 PM). We had done the planning for lot of things like aptitude, subjective, coding and HR interview questions. Also we had taken the interview of each other.
TCS was the first company to come for recruitment to my campus….and because of god’s grace I got placed in same company. As like everyone I was also little bit nervous at that time, I faced total two rounds on second day of campus….

6th October, 2014:

On the first day, I am topper so I was directly allowed for email writing round and other my friends gone through aptitude test. The subject of the email was “Congratulate to your friend named Gila Roy for her success of publishing the paper in International Journal and sign it as Alex”. The limit was minimum 50 words should be there. The result was declared at 10:00PM at night and it was given to selected students through SMS by our college TPO Prof. Desai Sir. It was very great moment to see myself in next round of interview. From my college 13 students get selected for interview.

7th October, 2014:

This was the second day where there were three rounds of the interview. We, 13 selected students and Desai sir arrived at RIT on sharp 9:30 AM. TCS committee members told us for sitting in waiting room. I was little bit feared and was thinking about how will be the interview…. And at that moment sharp at 9:50 AM TCS member Mr. Kamal came and said that we are starting with IT and CSE so please come…..and he announced mine and my friend name. It was very shocking for me and also there was excitement about Interview.

I went with Mr. Kamal for interview. There were three rooms named as
1.    Technical Panel
2.    HR/MR panel
3.    HR Panel
He took me to the HR/MR Panel….he opened the door and asked to the insider sir but he said that wait for five minutes. Mr. Kamal said me to stay to the door and he went from there. I was standing there 5 minutes….10 minutes….but there was no any action or reply from the insider sir…then I was feared and thought that sir is calling me or not…and suddenly the door get opened and that great personality with big smile on face said me that “COME INSIDE” …I again asked for permission to get inside that “May I come in Sir”… he said “YES YES”…”HAVE A SIT”…but I said that “YOU FIRST SIR”…but that great personality said….”IT’S NOT AN ISSUE PLEASE TAKE A SIT”…then he started with big smile with saying GOOD MORNING…. I also replied the same….
  • The first question was “Tell me something about yourself?”…I replied first with my name, diploma college name and performance, Degree collage name and branch year, achievements, goals(short term, middle term and long term), ethics of my life, family background…then he stopped me there and asked me about my diploma project…..he was asking me the of project details up to 15 minutes….I given all answers  of it….
  • Then he saw my resume and asked “WHAT IS THIS PURDUE UNIVERSITY COURSE?”….I replied with all the details of the course….
    Next he said that you are in process of Microsoft certification level1 course then tell me the flow of execution of a file….I told……
    Then he asked me the question about “database integrity constraints, mapping constraints with example of each….how we define structure in C and C++….difference between function overloading and function overriding… program for overriding function……why it is used”….
  • Next he said that you have written here that you know the “Dream-Viewer ” tool then tell me “What is the use of it…..Which are the different languages it supports…..can you write one program for creating table within table using HTML…..write a program to display sum of two numbers using PHP”…..I done with all questions…
    Next question was “What are your Strengths and weakness???.....Tell me what is creativity with one example happened in your career????”…..I had given very nice example on that answer he said “GOOD GOOD GOOD”….The answer was…( Example of my creativity is when I was living in hostel. One day my friend said me that she lost her mobile. She said that she is unable to purchase new mobile because she was belonging to poor family background, so I was feeling very bad then I decided to collect money and buy a new mobile for her. So I started thinking about and I got an idea. I went every room in hostel and collected old newspapers and ruff notebooks. These all things I sold in market and I got 2000Rs. I bought a mobile of 1500 Rs. and gave her. And from remaining money I bought chocolates, gave to every hostel girl. She was very happy and I was feeling very good.)
  • The most interesting thing he asked me that “You have given in your resume that you know the GERMAN language…..i said not deep but little bit I can speak…. Then he said that say in german that “GOOD MORNING, TODAY IS MY INTERVIEW.”…..i replied….he was very happy by hearing that….”
  • Then finally he said that “any questions for me Priyanka?”…..First I asked “what is your name?”….he replied Mr. Sandip… question from my side to him was “Sir, I have heard about your company’s lots of projects…but the Med Mantra project of Hospital Solutions is very interesting…..which have so many facilities for people…..can you tell me the progress and details of that project???”….sir given me very nice information about it…..
  • At the last he said “Ok Priyanka ….have a nice day…..”
Like that from 10:10 AM to 11:10 AM total one hour interview…….which was very good……
Then I was waiting for six hours in one room for next round… between that all my friends done with all the three rounds….i thought that I was out from first round itself…..but at 5:05 PM Mr. Kamal sir again called me for interview…..again the panel was “HR PANEL”…….

I asked for the permission to get enter…..he said yes…..and then the first question was again “Tell me about yourself?......what is your father?.....I replied FARMER….then he asked….how much field you have?.....i told 4 acres…..which type of crops you have in your field?.....(at that time in mind there was one question raised that “Will I going  to do the farming in TCS??”) ……..then he asked me about my bro…..his college name…studying year….. then he asked me ….”Tell me about your ambition?.....why you have taken the admission to ADCET, ASHTA?”….I replied very well for this questions….at the last he asked that ....”Is there any problem regarding your relocation in Chennai????” ….I said no not at all….then he said me that “THEN MEET ME IN CHENNAI”… that moment I cleared that “I GOT THE JOB”

Like that it was total 18 Minutes interview…….

And at the next day that is 8th October 2014…..the result was declared…….”AND I BECAME THE MEMBER OF TCS”….


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Awesome story..!!
    It will definitely helps to boost confidence of other students..!!
    U really deserved this job..!!
    Well Done :)

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

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  3. blank

    Very nice.........
