Monday, 27 October 2014

Success Story Akshay Gane ADCET Ashta 2014

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Hello Readers,

We bring to you an awesome story. Success Story by Akshay Gane, student of Final Year Computer Science and Engineering, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology Ashta.

Success Story Akshay Gane ADCET Ashta 2014

Hello there; to be honest right now I am in state of commotion but still need to start somewhere. So it is better to start from 6th Oct 2014. On 6th Oct, the date of arrival of Persistent was confirmed. It was told that the panel would arrive on 10th Oct. Only four days were remained and out of which half was already passed. It was very essential to give a strategic kick-start for the preparation.
We formed the group of-Vishal, Amey, Sachin, Pratap and me- for the preparation.  Then we geared up the studies. The motive of group discussion was symbiosis. First we discussed the area to be emphasized. Then we started to discuss the basic concepts of chosen subjects with “real time example”.
Each of us actively participated in the discussion. Once we done with each subject, we revised it.
On a following day we had to prepare for General Knowledge. This preparation was to be aware of different tools and techniques used in industry e.g. testing tools like QTP, Sellenium etc.
Finally the Judgment Day came. 10th Oct 2014- it was the day first of campus. The venue was RIT, Sakharale. After reaching, I ceased the preparation and settled down mentally. It is easier said than done. But it is essential.
First round was of Aptitude which was constituted of Computer Network, Operating System, Programming Language, Software Engineering, Data Structure, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. It all together summed up 60 questions. The questions were very basic.
The strategy I used is that optimum utilization of resources provided. They had facilitated question paper with flag. Whenever I encountered the question which was either out of reach or time consuming I marked it with flag. It saved the time and provided easy reachability to that question.
This round was followed by Written test which included one program and one passage. The distribution of time was as follows:
Aptitude    60 Min    60 Que
Program    20 Min    1 Que
Passage    10 Min    1 Que

Through program they check problem solving approach and via passage the grammar, vocabulary and content were being checked.
Day second was of Technical Round followed by Personal Interview. I was bit afraid of TR since I was told to be hardcore coder. Actually, it is not truth. Factually your problem solving approach, analytical skill and how much you are conceptually clear is checked.
Once you clear TR you are eligible for HR/PI. Here HR monitors you, analyzes your caliber and dictates your weakness but you need not to worry about. You must be capable of balancing the diplomacy and straightforwardness according to need.
Making long story short, there are several points to keep mind.
  • Explore about yourself and current happening
  • Deepen your knowledge
  • Excel your skills
  • Strategize the plan
                At last but not least, as films hit and heat the box-office with three things- entertainment, entertainment and entertainment likewise enhancement of knowledge and enrichment of skill can be achieved with three things reading, Reading and READING.
“If I can then everyone can”.


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