100 Vacancies at Airports
Authority of India with pay scale Rs.12500-28500 for Diploma(Engg.)
candidates. Apply Before 15th October, 2013
Name of the Government Organization: Airports Authority of India
Airports Authority of India invites applications for the following posts:
Job Designation: Junior Assistant (Fire Services) – NE-04
Number of Positions: 100 (Hundred)
Educational Qualification:
i) 10th Pass + 3 years’ approved regular Diploma
in Mechanical/Automobile/Fire with minimum 50% marks (OR) ii)
12th Pass (Regular study) with 50% marks.
Pay Scale: Rs.12500-28500 per month
Age Limit: Up to 30 years. (as on 15.10.2013)
Location of Posting: New Delhi
How To Apply:
Candidates fulfilling the above conditions may submit their application
on plain paper (along with attested copy of relevant certificates) in
Hindi/English in the enclosed format addressed to THE REGIONAL EXECUTIVE
DIRECTOR, Airports Authority of India, Northern Region, Operational
Office, Rangpuri, Gurgaon Road, New Delhi-110037 {the envelope
should be super-scripted by ‘Application for the post of Junior
Assistant (Fire Service)} along with a Demand Draft for Rs.400/- (Rupees
Four Hundred only) (Non-refundable) drawn in favour of
Airports Authority of India,
payable at Delhi so as to reach on or before 15.10.2013.
Please mention Name of the candidate on the reverse side of the
Demand Draft. SC/ST/Women candidates are exempted from payment of
fees. The applications my also be downloaded from AAI website
www.airportsindia.org.in and www.aai.aero.
Last Date To Apply: 15th October, 2013
Contact Address: Airports Authority of India, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi – 110003
Advertisement Details: http://www.aai.aero/employment_news/Advertisement_fire.pdf