Thursday, 19 September 2019

Success Story Ashitosh Shirke 2019-20

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Student of Computer Science and Engineering Department, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology Ashta


TCS is my dream company, I will tell in short why it is so. When I was in first year there is TCS campus drive in our institute, at that time I asked to some of seniors about the company and they told me in short and was very curious to know more about the company, to get more information about the company I started surfing on google and collected information and decided that this is the only company where I want to work. This is how the TCS became my dream company. To take my dream into reality I started working accordingly. When I got know that TCS take certain rounds, like Aptitude, technical interview, and HR interview. For aptitude round I need work on my quantitative aptitude and technical aptitude. In second year I started working on my technical skills, like improving my coding ability in languages like C, C++ which are the basic languages to learn any language. I started practicing the program in C also in C++. When we are in third I decided to start with the general quantitative aptitude, and fortunately our college arranged one month training program on general aptitude which was taken by Aptech. The training helped me a lot to work on my aptitude. After completing the training, I was much confident that I can crack the aptitude test of the TCS by practicing the aptitude question. For practicing the aptitude question I used spend some time on indiabix, which is one of the best website for practicing the aptitude questions and Quantitative aptitude by R.S Agarwal is also best book for aptitude. At the same time I started improving my technical skills, from my seniors I came to know about the GeeksForGeeks website which is one of the best website for computer science students, and this website helped me a lot during the preparation of interview. Because there are lot of interview experiences are present which helped me for preparing for technical as well as HR interview. The test was scheduled on 3rd & 4th Aug, till the test date I am continuously practicing general aptitude, technical aptitude & programs. Finally the wait is over and test day is arrived. My shift was on 4th Aug, on 3rd Aug I slept early because I want to appear for test with fresh mind. The test started at 11:30 a.m. It was one and half hour test, which is divided into four section such as English, Quantitative Aptitude, Programming Concepts and Coding. Each carrying negative marking except coding section. In English section there are fill in blank type questions, I have solved 13 out of 15. The quantitative aptitude section was bit difficult, I have solved around 7-8 questions out of 15, looking at the difficulty of test it was great number for me. There are 10 questions in programming concepts section, I attempted 7 questions out of it. In coding section there was one problem statement for which we have to code. My problem statement was bit easy, I solved it and code in 15-18 minutes, out of 12 test case my code was passing 7 test case, rest time I was thinking on how to pass other test case, but unfortunately I was not able to cover it. The test end at 1 p.m., at that I was feeling relaxed because my test went good. The result of test was announced on 10th Aug and I got shortlisted for the interview. The interview was scheduled on 26th of Aug, it was scheduled in R.I.T Islampur. It is video conference type interview taken on their own platform. It was my first ever attempt to give interview through video conference. Due to this I was bit nervous and waiting for my call. I was very lucky that day, when my name is called I went for the interview, and the interviewer said please be seated and wait for 5 minutes. After listening these words I was bit relaxed and I groomed myself in that environment. After five minutes my interview started. First of all they asked a relaxing question. 
Interviewer : How are you doing? 
Me: I am fine and good. 
Interviewer: Tell me something which not in your resume? 
Me: I told about my internship and my area of interest (They started asking questions on my internship) 
Interviewer: What problems have you analysed during your internship period for your project.? 
Me: Answered. 
Interviewer: What things you done to make your project innovative and attractive? 
Me: Answered. 
Interviewer: Which language you used in back end? 
Me: PHP ( Same question asked two times to check my confidence) 
Interviewer: So basically you are web developer? 
Me: Answered. 
Interviewer: How you done the memory management of your website? 
Me: Not able to answer , But I told that we are not up to that point where can think of memory management. 
Interviewer: Do you have any interest in other languages like C,C++? 
Me: Yes , I do have. (Then started asking question on C, C++ and OOPS concepts) 
Interviewer: Tell me the difference between break and continue? 
Me: Answered. 
Interviewer: What is inheritance? 
Me: Answered. 
Interviewer: What is constructor? 
Me: Answered. (The interviewer asking technical questions said I am done, Now HR round Started) 
Interviewer: What things Frustrate you the most? 
Me: Answered. 
Interviewer: How do you control your frustration? 
Me: Answered 
Interviewer: What will you do if we don’t select you? 
Me: I will analyse the my mistakes and will try cover them in next interview. 
Interviewer: Are you aware about TCS one year Agreement? 
Me: Yes 
Interviewer: I am done. (They said me to leave, I thanked everyone) 

After the interview is done we are waiting for the results. The results were announced by the TPO on 13th Sept and I got selected for TCS ninja So this is all about my journey of cracking the TCS. It was a great experience during all the selection process. Thank You …..!