Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Success Story Ajinkya Jadhav Capgemini 2017-18

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Name : Ajinkya Satish Jadhav
Class : BE CSE

Success Story Ajinkya Jadhav Capgemini 2017-18


I would like to thank Mr. Sayyad Sir for giving me chance to express my feeling of the getting placed. Getting placed in the Day-1 company of the college is one of the biggest achievement of my life. Words are not enough to express the happiness of me and my parents. The day “27 September 2017” is an unforgettable day of my life.
    Like the soldiers prepare for the war, we, the eligible students were preparing for becoming an employable person. The preparation was started from the 7-days sessions of aptitude and personality development by Campus Recruitment Team. This activity was for all final year students then afterward the training sessions for eligible students were started. At a point, due to the unfavorable market conditions, we are not yet got any details of companies coming for campus recruitment. But without much concentrating on that I focused on building myself. Then the day had come, Touheed Sir has announced on 20 September 2017 that Capgemini is going to come in our college for its Exclusive ADCET Campus Drive. 6 days Capgemini training sessions were conducted by CRT team. We sincerely attended all the sessions. On 26th we had our Mock Technical and Personal Interviews, I performed well in that. 
    Finally, the day had arrived 27th September 2017. Everyone was waiting for that day. I woke up early, called my parents for their blessings. The Capgemini persons arrived till 10:30 a.m., they had a presentation about the company and told us the schedule of the day. The rounds were as follows :
1.    General Aptitude
2.    Pseudo Test (Technical Aptitude)
3.    Technical Interview
4.    Personal Interview
We were told that the once we cracked Round 1 & 2, its 70% chance that we are going to place. These all were elimination rounds. 21 students had cracked the round 1 and 2. We all moved to the Technical Interview. In the technical interview, most of the questions I faced was about my project, then some basics of databases, java, c++.
In Personal Interview, I had only asked to tell about myself and would I able to relocate, Am I interested in higher studies etc.
    The interview was held till 10:00 p.m. Most of the important person of our college was present at the time of declaration of the result. Prof. Kanai Sir was going to announce the result. The heartbeats were going fast. My name was announced 5th, the happiness came out of me in the form of the tears. Everybody was clapping for us. Everybody was congratulating and clicking pictures of us. For some time, I felt like becoming a celebrity. It was a dream come true. Finally, we have got the fruitful result of our hard work. With the words from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,  I would like to end. 
“Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep ”

1 comment :

  1. blank

    At last you achieve what you truly deserve...! Hardwork gave results...! Congratulations! Ajinkya!!!
