Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Success Story Juber Sutar zCon Solutions 2016 Batch

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
Success Story from Juber Sutar Selected in ZCon Solutions, students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology Ashta.


ZCon is originally an organization from America but has it’s headquarter in pune.

Success Story Juber Sutar zCon Solutions 2016 Batch

Dated: - 29th Jan 2016
One of the Wonderful and outstanding day of my life. The most memorable ones..!!
 I have got an opportunity to elaborate my success story, but before commencing it I would like to let you all, have a glance, at my past.
Up to 10th Std. I didn’t had any interest in education. I scored 64%, but after my schooling, my parents & my family inspired me in such a way that I was admitted to Engineering. During this engineering .phase, rather than studying, I did all other things that would let me remain happy. Managing events and leading them was the only thing I was always busy in...
In my entire life I achieved many things and one of the day was the day of my placement..!!
In morning, I worship god that, “Let day be mine” And with the positive hopes I underwent the campus recruitment activity.
First round was aptitude round which I cracked and I was then brought to next i.e. group discussion.My topic was “Even Odd Formula in Delhi”. Total participant in my group were 11.They shortlisted three candidate and I was one of them. I was then sent to programming round where the problem statement was to print “a triangular star pattern”. I cracked that round too. And finally I was invited for the interview..!!
I received blessings from all my well-wisher, friends and family. On the very next day, I arrived at TKIET, warnanagar for my interview.
I was the third person to be interviewed. I opened the door and entered the interview cabin (The place where my career was going to be decide). The panel of two (a ma’am and sir, the two illuminating personalities.) were the interviewers sir and ma’am gave me charming smile and I was asked to have seat. The very first question was, “To introduce yourself”. I ended with my introduction on my project.
They started interviewing me on the basis of the project, completing my project work. I also mentioned about my two extra projects.
I then revealed all my extracurricular activities and zonal sports activities. They were extremely happy with my performance.
My interview was conducted for about 45minutes.
I was then told to wait for my results. Waiting for results was the toughest phase of my life were there hell lot of thoughts banging my head.
Around 6:30pm they invited all we students and the time to reveal the results arrived..!! They said they shortlisted only 5 candidates and my heart started running fastly” lub-dub, lub dub”.
They announced first name and unfortunately it was not mine. They announced second but again it was not mine…..Third… fourth…still it did not contain my name and they announced “fifth” and finally it was mine(JuberAhmed Shakil Sutar).
The incredible moment of my life…and I was experiencing heavenly bliss…..
I am wholeheartedly thank my “ALLAH”, who always showered his blessing on me... I am then thankful to my parents, my ammi and abba…
Further I express my overwhelming gratitude to the person who always supported me for everything “prof. Suhel Sayyed sir” also my brother “prof. Mushtaq Sutar” TPC “prof. S.S. Mane sir” all my teachers and my dear friends.
Thank you for everything….
God bless you all..!



  1. sms
  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Heartiest Congratulations..!!
    I know one day you achieve what you want. Because you are hard worker and sincere too. May almighty ALLAH always shower blessings on you and you will get rewards in your future life. Best of Luck for your Career. I am always Proud of You Dear.

  3. Vikrant
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