Sunday, 14 July 2013

Engineering Jobs 2013 – Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan

Posted by Suhel Sayyad
2 Vacancies at Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan with pay scale Rs.15600-39100 for B.E/B.Tech. candidates. Apply Before 3rd August, 2013
Name of the Government Organization: Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan
Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan invites applications for the following posts:
Job Number: 01
Job Designation: City Engineer
Number of Position: 01 (One)
Educational Qualification: (a) Chartered Civil Engineer or a Chartered Engineer (India) by examination. OR (b) A Graduate in Civil Engineering of a recognized University. He must have atleast 10 years of practical experience of Engineering works. All other things being equal experience of Municipal Engineering in a responsible position a foreign degree in Engineering and or knowledge and experience of electrical & mechanical engineering will be given added weightage as additional qualification.
Pay Scale: Rs. 15600 to 39100 (Grade Pay 7600/-)
Age Limit: Not exceeding 45 years as on 03-08-2013, but relaxable in deserving cases at the discretion of the appointment Authority.
Job Number: 02
Job Designation: Additional City Engineer (GAS)
Number of Position: 01 (One)
Educational Qualification: B.E. Mechanical with 1st Class. Minimum 4 to 5 years experience of operation of Gas pipeline distribution and maintenance and 10 years administrative experience.
Pay Scale: Rs. 15600 to 39100 (Grade Pay 7600/-)
Age Limit: Not exceeding 40 years as on 03-08-2013.
Location of Posting: Vadodara
How To Apply: The applicants should apply with certified copies of all the testimonials by Regd. Post A.D./Speed Post only to the Municipal Commissioner, General Administration Department, Khanderao Market Building, Vadodara-390209. The applications by ordinary Post, Hand delivery, Courier without the certified copies, with incomplete details & after due date will not be accepted. The Last date to apply is 03-08-2013.
Last Date To Apply: 03rd August, 2013
Contact Address: Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan, Khanderao Market Building, Vadodara-390209.
Contact Numbers: 2433116, 2433118, 2431467, 2431466
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